6 Stellar Ways To Manage Electricity Bills For Your Small Business
Being energy efficient is important, but it isn’t always top of mind for small businesses that are trying to get through the day-to-day operations. Don’t let being more energy-efficient sit on the back burner any longer.
There are many good reasons to manage your small business’ electric bill and we are going to discuss 6 stellar ways for your company to do just that.
Get An Energy Audit
Performing an energy audit will go a long way in understanding your monthly usage and will help to identify ways to shrink your energy costs. Which, let’s face it, is most likely one of the larger expenses of your operation.
Partnering with electricity providers to perform an energy audit can take away some of the stress of not knowing where to start or what to do to make sure that energy efficiency is part of your business plan.
Purchase Energy-Efficient Office Equipment
There are many places in your operation to consider using energy-efficient equipment. In an office environment, you have copiers, computers, printers, and more. Consider purchasing laptop computers instead of desktops, since they typically consume less energy.
Purchasing items with the ENERGY STAR label means that you are getting the most efficient equipment. Often, you may even be able to get rebates when you purchase ENERGY STAR products, just check the rebate finder.
Reduce Peak Demand
Determining the time period that your energy demand is likely to be highest and reducing the demand during those times can save money on your electricity bills. There are many ways to reduce the peak demand, such as rescheduling non-essential electrical appliances to function only during times when demand is lower.
Using alternative sources of power to run during peak demand is another way to reduce your peak consumption. Perhaps engaging the use of backup generators, battery systems, or even solar panels to share the energy demand during those peak hours.
Program Your Thermostats
Programming your thermostat to increase the air conditioner temperature when your business is closed or during peak hours is another stellar example of how to manage your electric bill. Don’t shut your thermostat off completely, simply increase the temperature, at 5:00 when it’s quitting time and keep it set until the business opens at 9:00. This way, the cold air isn’t running and you aren’t paying to run the air conditioner in an empty building. Additionally setting the thermostat higher on weekends will prevent the building from being cooled over the weekend when nobody is working.
The same goes with peak hours, dial your thermostat by a few degrees to avoid paying the more expensive rates and employees are less likely to notice just a couple of degrees. The key to energy efficiency is using only what you need. This means instead of keeping your thermostat at 72 during the summer months, consider keeping it at 78 degrees. This can save up to 39% on cooling costs. Small changes add up to large savings.
Turn Off Lights When Not In Use
“Turn off the lights when you leave the room!” We all heard that growing up, right? Turning on lights as you walk through a room and leaving them on when you leave is sure to wreak havoc on the electric bill. Every single time a light is turned on and every single minute that light stays on, you are being charged. Now, add to that the fact that your business may be leaving lights on all day long, even when noone is in the room, you are looking at hours upon hours every week that you’re being billed for electricity nobody is even using.
You can swap out your light bulbs to more energy efficient ones, like LEDs, but if they aren’t being turned off, you won’t see much difference in your bill. In addition to changing the bulbs, consider changing the light switches, too. As long as the traffic in the room isn’t a consistent heavy flow, motion-sensing light switches can ensure that lights are not staying on in your building. They can be especially helpful in rooms where the lights might be accidentally left on for long periods of time and nobody would notice. For example, a storage or utility room, bathrooms and other low traffic areas.
Get Employees Engaged in Energy-Efficient Practices
When it comes to saving energy, you don’t have to go it alone. Enlist the help of your employees, most people are all for reducing the carbon footprint and helping to do their part. Educate your employees and let them know the initiatives you are putting into place and ask for their help in making them effective. One way to get everyone involved is to set up goals or rewards for the departments that reduce consumption of energy the most.
A commitment to saving electricity isn’t just good for the environment and your bottom line, it’s good for morale and your business’ image with clients. Customers and employees want businesses to be environmentally responsible. Taking it one step further, Sustainable Brands states that 3/4 of Millennials consider a company’s social and environmental commitments when deciding where they want to work.
Small business electricity providers are here to support your business with all of your operational matters as they relate to the cost of electricity and energy management programs. Reach out and start developing your plan today.
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